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Hi, I’m Suzanna,

& I’m so happy to find you here! This is a bit about me, how Fruit Loop came to be, and what I’ve learned along the ride. I created this space to provide people with a little slice of sunlight year round, here in upstate NY. This space of ours is inspired by tropical travels & a pursuit of everything health and wellness. It’s my goal that when you leave Fruit Loop you feel Happy + Inspired + Informed + Fresh + Full in the best way possible!

Everything about Fruit Loop—from our Menu to our Mission—speaks to what I believe in. What brings me here today is years worth of trial & error. Lots of unlearning normal societal practices & finding what makes me feel the most alive. I found my best self when I built my diet around what is actually in the foods were consuming vs the calorie count. Eating a plant based whole foods diet is where I found Freedom + Healing + Intentionality + My Best Self.

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My mission is that all of you one day feel this too - How good our bodies were truly designed to feel. There’s a quote that has always resonated with me and it's “Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live”. Our health is quite literally the most valuable thing we have. Each meal we consume is our opportunity to nurture that. My goal is to spend each and every day finding ways to implement this notion in the most Vibrant + Fun + Local way possible. 

With that being said, It’s no secret smoothie bowls are quite literally my favorite food on planet earth. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t have one. They have become my absolute go-to for jam packing as many Fruits + Veggies + Superfoods I can into one Kick Butt meal. I'M LITERALLY OBSESSED. Kinda crazy, but my love for these bad boys is where it all started-where this vision came to fruition!

Fruit Loop is special because there’s nothing quite like it. I have never stopped believing in our vision and I’m proud of staying true to that. I'm so proud to have created a safe little space for our team of kick butt people who come together each and every day filling these four walls with Hard Work, Love, and Laughter. They are the heartbeat of this space & I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’m proud of the community we have fostered and the friendships that have formed through a shared love of our menu. I'm honored to have the opportunity to meet and connect with so many new people each and every day. I'm SO incredibly happy to have met you here and hope to share our little slice of sunlight with you in the future!

Love Suz



A healthy outside starts from the inside. Fruit Loop is proud to serve farm-to-table, locally grown ingredients to our community.

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“Take care of your body, its the only place you have to live”

Jim Rohn